Equipment & Team Apparel

Swim meets are an excellent place for us to show our pride in being part of the Blazers team. How we present ourselves at meets and practices has an enormous influence on our team's unity, success, and growth. 

Parent Apparel: We offer team spirit wear seasonally. It is a great way to show your support and pride in your swimmer and their team. It makes it easy to find and meet other Blazers' parents, which helps unite our community and welcome newcomers.

The Kansas City Blazers have partnered with Swim Quik to outfit our Blazer swimmers with equipment and apparel needs.  

Team Apparel and Training Equipment can be purchased online:

Kansas City Blazer Online Store  

If you have any questions about sizes or prefer to shop in store, Swim Quik is located at  

8693 Bluejacket St Lenexa, KS.

Contact Swim Quik: Ph. 913.649.8456  Email:

Competitive Swimwear Sizing Guide

Blazers Team Suit Policy

Practice Suits: All Swimmers are required to wear a suit that is in good condition and fits properly. Swimmers can wear any swimming suit that meets the team's decency standard and does not interfere with a swimmer's ability to use proper technique. Coaches reserve the right to ask a swimmer to change into an appropriate suit before resuming practice. 


Team Suits: Our team policy is that at all swim meets, swimmers are required to wear a team suit. This suit should not be worn at practice to preserve the life of the suit. Swimmers attending a meet where a Tech Suit is appropriate should wear the team suit during warm-up. 


Team Swim Caps: A Blazer's swim cap must be worn at all swim meets. If your swimmer wears a cap at practice, it may be a cap of their choice. 


Tech Suits: Swimmers can wear "Tech Suits" in designated meets recommended by the swimmer's head coach

Training Equipment

In addition to a KCB team suit and team cap/apparel, Blazer's swimmers should have the training equipment, as recommended below.  Swimmers should have a water bottle at every practice.  Swimmers should label all equipment and are encouraged to keep their equipment in a mesh bag to take home daily. Coaches are not responsible for any lost equipment. 



Age Group I & Age Group II

Water Bottle


Arena Swim Snorkel Pro III


 KC Blazers Jr. Team Kickboard or Arena Club Kit


Arena Junior Fins or Arena Fins Adult

Junior II

Water Bottle


Arena Swim Snorkel Pro III


KC Blazers Jr. Team Kickboard or Arena Club Kit


Arena Junior Fins or Arena Fins Adult

Pull Buoy

Arena Blazers Freeflow Pullbuoy


Arena Elite Hand Paddles II (XS or S sizes only)


Junior I  / Senior

Water Bottle


Arena Swim Snorkel Pro III


KC Blazers Jr. Team Kickboard or Arena Club Kit


Arena Fins Adult or Arena Powefin Pro

Pull Buoy

Arena Blazers Freeflow Pullbouy


Arena Elite Hand Paddles II (S or M only)

Pre-National /  National 

Water Bottle


Arena Swim Snorkel Pro III


KC Blazers Jr. Team Kickboard or Arena Club Kit


Arena Powerfin Pro

Pull Buoy

Arena FreeFlow Pull Bouy


Arena Elite Hand Paddles II

*Ankle Band
