Interested in Becoming a Blazers Coach?

The Kansas City Blazers are looking for part-time deck coaches to assist in our nightly practices. It can be as little as 2 hours per week or as much as 12!  We offer competitive salaries based on skills and experience. We have multiple pool sites across the city and can place you at a location convenient to your home/work. Our experienced staff of full-time coaches fully trains all of our deck coaches, and we cover all certification and registration expenses.

Time:  Weeknights, between 6:00 and 8:30 pm

Minimum age:  16 yrs.

Coaching experience: preferred but will train if needed. Competitive swimming experience and the ability to work with children is required. USA Swimming Certifications, Background Check and CPR/Safety Training must be completed, if hired.

Interested?  Please apply here.